Volume 7 Issue 2: Communities by Design

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Volume 7 Issue 2: Communities by Design

FALL 2016

Guest Editor: Jane King Hession

This issue includes six articles touching on the theme of community in Wright's work. "Communities can take many forms and mean different things to different people," writes SaveWright guest editor Jane King Hession. "The whole of a community comprises its parts. Frank Lloyd Wright was no stranger to this concept: for decades he lived and worked at the center of the Taliesin Fellowship, a community of his own creation. However, as the essays in this issue make clear, Wright also explored the idea of community—at multiple scales—in his architecture and planning."

  • "Reflections on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonia: Then and Now" by Roland Reisley
  • "Wright’s Geometry of Community" by Neil Levine
  • "Lewis Mumford, Wright and the Politics of Community" by Robert Wojtowicz
  • "Taliesin and Taliesin West: Intentional Communities" by Susan Jacobs Lockhart
  • "A Geometry of Community: A Project Called Cloverleaf" by Michael Desmond
  • "Community Values in the Larkin and Johnson Administration Buildings" by Brigid Boyle