Volume 1 Issue 1: The Making of WH Nomination

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Volume 1 Issue 1: The Making of a World Heritage Nomination


Guest Editor: Susan Jacobs Lockhart

The inaugural issue of SaveWright features five distinguished writers presenting an in-depth background on the multi-year effort to inscribe a selection of Wright's buildings on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

  • "The Conservancy and the Making of a Wright World Heritage Nomination" by Susan Jacobs Lockhart
  • "The World Heritage List: An Overview" by Jane King Hession
  • "National Park Service Plays Major Role in Aiding World Heritage Nominations" by Phyllis Ellin
  • "The U.S. and US/ICOMOS: Working With UNESCO’s World Heritage Program" by Donald G. Jones
  • "Establishing the Nomination List: Why We Chose the Buildings We Did" by Neil Levine