Volume 4 Issue 2: Sitting Down with Wright

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Volume 4 Issue 2: Sitting Down with Wright

FALL 2013

Guest Editor: Susan Jacobs Lockhart

This issue focuses on Wright-designed furnishings and furniture. "The great variety of clients, building types, budgets and design dates for furniture and furnishings in this issue gives you a glimpse into what Wright initially presented to his clients, the subsequent interactions and the outcomes," writes guest editor Susan Jacobs Lockhart. "It is a rich and fascinating story."

  • "Taliesin: Orchestrating Nature, Uniting Spirit and Matter" by Margo Stipe
  • "Preserving Wright Interiors: Case Studies of Wright Furniture and Fabrics, 1904-1956" by Pamela Kirschner
  • "Taliesin West’s Evolving Garden Room" by Oskar Munoz
  • "The Furniture I Grew Up With" by Susan Jacobs Lockhart
  • "Furnishing the Darwin D. Martin House" by Jack Quinan
  • "The Price Tower Executive’s Chair as a Product of Customization" by Neil Levine